Friday, October 8, 2010

Mommy School...

My kids teach me things every day- here is what I'm learning as a student in "Mommy School"...
1. If you don't know the word for something- make it up! and be confident when you say "wasnoozle or doodleberry" in a sentence. People will think you're smart! (Alize)
2. If you're having a bit of a wobbly day, and you keep falling alot- just get back up and keep trying... it'll get easier with practice. (Lily Grace)
3. Make sure you plan for a snack, waaaay ahead of time. Days go better when you have snack. (Alize)
4. Even though you might be younger, make sure everyone knows you're in control of the situation by pulling hair or pinching occasionally! (Lilbug, PILBUG! knock it off!)
5. Ask A LOT of questions. How else will you know how a water treatment plant operates, why God ran out of money and only made one sun, and why that guy over there talks funny? (Alize)
6. The funnest toys are dirt, rocks and sunshine, you don't need a lot of fancy toys to be happy :) (Alize and Lily)
7. Cuddle and hug often. Its essential to your happiness. (Lily)
8. Say "I love you" randomly, and often. (Alize)
9. Take naps, you'll be nicer when you get up! (Lily)
10. Look forward to Sunday School with great anticipation.  (Alize)
Mommy loves you both! kiss,kiss!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Simple Things...

Life is not about years and accomplishments and events and occasions and....
 I could go on, but I'm learning life is only about moments and stopping to notice them....
if these sweet times are not enjoyed as they are-
 imperfect and lovely and fleeting...
I have failed...
I want to be a success in this short life, so I will stop.
and notice.
and smile...
 and be thankful to have lived in that simple moment
-stephanie flores